Thursday, August 27, 2009


Inaugural Post! I'm so excited to start documenting my adventures! Firstly, I'm Meg - I turned 30 this year, I'm married to a great guy and we have two little girls. My oldest is 4 and is in a finicky food phase, so I've been sneaking good stuff into the 'kid-food' that she likes.

Today, she asked for pancakes - pretty innocuous, right? But nothing really good in them. I'm really trying to make food from scratch these days, at least I know what's going in if I make it myself! So here is my solution - Oatmeal Pancakes.

Oatmeal Pancakes:

1/2 cup Oatmeal (ground up in food processor or blender)
3/4 cup All Purpose Flour
1 1/2 tablespoons Sugar
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/8 teaspoon Salt
One Egg, Beaten
1 cup Milk
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, making a well in center of mixture. Combine wet ingredients in a separate bowl, then pour over dry ingredients. Stir until combined, it should be a little lumpy. Cook on a griddle or heavy skillet over medium heat, flipping after edges become dry and center is bubbly. Makes 8-10 four inch pancakes.

Another great resource I've found for kid-friendly recipes is Deceptively Delicious, a cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld. She has figured out how to put all kinds of veggies in puree form into food kids will eat!

Until next time, Meg


  1. Yay for your first post!!! So basically you are going to make me uber-hungry with baking posts??? Can you be my mommy??
